I offer the following services:

  •  Qualitative methods for sociological research: Interviews, group discussions, (participant) observation studies, hermeneutic text interpretation, secondary data analysis, etc.
  •  Supervision for bachelor-, masters- and doctoral theses in the fields of sociology, criminology, security and safety studies, facility management, etc.
  •  Academic training and consulting: Concepts of crime prevention
  •  Academic training courses in "Design-led Crime Prevention"
  •  Academic lectures and seminars on "Sociology of Deviance and Social Control"
  • Consultant to "Smart City Graz" - Urban development process (Sept. 2016)
  • Panel discussant to "Security in Linz and Upper Austria" (Oct. 2016)
  • Consultant at "Wiener Sicherheitsplattform" - Discussion forum at the Vienna City Council, initiated by the Department of Urban Planning (MA18).


CEN - European Standardisation Commitee

21.03.2012 01:48
Member of the Austrian Standards Institute Austrian Delegate to the Technical Committee CEN/TC325 of the European Standardisation Institute (CEN - Comite Europeen de Normalisation) on “Crime Prevention through Building-, Facility- and Area Design”