

21.03.2012 01:57
            Europass Curriculum...

Marie Curie Fellowships

21.03.2012 01:51
European Marie Curie Fellowships: Early Stage Training (EST) 2002/2003 Intra European Fellowship (IEF) 2008-2010 European Re-Integration Grant (ERG) 2011-2013

CEN - European Standardisation Commitee

21.03.2012 01:48
Member of the Austrian Standards Institute Austrian Delegate to the Technical Committee CEN/TC325 of the European Standardisation Institute (CEN - Comite Europeen de Normalisation) on “Crime Prevention through Building-, Facility- and Area Design”

Past teaching

21.03.2012 01:43
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Austria. Masters Programme in Social Work: 2006/07: Methodology Course (Forschungswerkstatt)  - “Social Area Analysis” 2007/08: Seminar on Qualitative Methods 2008 – 2009: Successful supervision of 3 Master-theses Visiting lecturer...

Keynote-addresses and invited lectures

21.03.2012 01:41
Invited speaker at the Annual General Meeting of Austrian Shopping Centre Association (3. May 2012, Graz) Presentation: “Ordnung und Sicherheit in Einkaufszentren“ Invited speaker at the Annual Security Conference at Danube University (27. Oct. 2011, Krems) Presentation: „Soziale...

Journal articles submitted for review:

21.03.2012 01:37
In press: Günter Stummvoll: Changing Concepts of Security: The Preventive Turn in Defensive Design. In: Max Edelbacher, Peter C. Kratcoski, Michael Theil: New Security Concepts – Preventing Another Financial Crisis. The Academic Council on the United Nations System. Routledge Publications....

Journal articles

21.03.2012 01:36
Günter Stummvoll: Stadtplanung und Design – Ein normatives Konzept zur Kriminalprävention. In: SIAK Journal. Zeitschrift für Polizeiwissenschaft und Polizeiliche Praxis. Ausgabe 4/2008. Austrian Ministry of the Interior (BM.I). Günter Stummvoll: Ordnungskrise und Sicherheitspluralisierung...

Book chapters

21.03.2012 01:35
Günter Stummvoll: Die Morphologie der Sicherheitsgesellschaft: Architektonische Antworten in der Kriminologie. In: Seböck W. und Huber E. (Eds.): 9. Sicherheits-Konferenz Krems. Publisher: Eigenverlag der Donau Universität Krems. 2011. Günter Stummvoll: Problemzonen der Stadt –...

Mitarbeit in nationalen und Europäischen Forschungsprojekten 1998 - 2012:

21.03.2012 01:32
2009 – 2012: Donau Universität Krems, Department für Bauen und Umwelt: “PLuS – Planning Urban Security: Kriminalprävention im Städtebau” 2008 – 2010: Keele University, Centre for Criminological Research, UK (Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship): “EUDOCS – European...

„CP-UDP: Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning“

21.03.2012 01:29
  „CP-UDP: Crime Prevention through Urban Design and Planning“   Details about funding programme: EU Commission: COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology – Transport and Urban Development   Proposer Details: Prof. Clara Cardia Email:...
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