21.03.2012 01:57








Curriculum Vitae




Personal information


Surname(s) / First name(s)

Stummvoll Günter








Date of birth

21. Jan. 1969



Desired employment / Occupational field

Academic research and education in  “urban sociology” and “criminology”

(“urban criminology”)



Work experience





8 / 2009 – 2 / 2012

Occupation or position held

Social Scientist  at Danube University Krems, Department for Building and Environment, Austria

Main activities and responsibilities

Research and Training in the field of CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design)

  • Marie Curie Re-Integration Grant (7th Framework Programme – People)
  • EU Project: PLuS - Planning Urban Security
  • CPTED Training in “Security and Safety Management” and “Facility Management”

Name and address of employer

Danube University Krems

Department for Building and Environment

Dr. Karl Dorrek Straße 30

A – 3500 Krems, Austria

Type of business or sector

University for Continuing Education




8 / 2008 – 7 / 2010

Occupation or position held

European Research Fellow at Keele University, UK

Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship under the 6th EU-Frameworkprogramme (“People”) for Individual Career Development

Main activities and responsibilities

  • EU Project: “EUDOCS – European Designing Out Crime Standards” (project leader, principal investigator)
  • Professional training in “CPTED – Crime Prevention through Environmental Design”

Name and address of employer

Keele University

Research Institute for Law, Politics and Justice 

Centre for Criminological Research

ST5 5BG Staffordshire

United Kingdom

Type of business or sector

Public University




5 / 2005 – 6 / 2008

Occupation or position held

Researcher at the Institut für Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie (IRKS – Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology), Vienna, Austria.

Main activities and responsibilities

  • Burglary protection in Vienna
  • ISRD_2: International Self-Report Delinquency Youth-Study
  • AGIS: “A European Evaluation Framework for the Design of Secure Urban Environments”
  • AGIS: DAC – X-Change: Developing the Secured By Design European Exchange Tool
  • AGIS: Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe
  • Translation of the questionnaire and translation-report for the EUROSTAT Victimisation Survey (project leader: Statistik Austria)

Name and address of employer

Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS)

Museumstraße 5/12

1070 Vienna, Austria

Type of business or sector

Private research institute for criminology




4 / 2003 – 7 / 2004

Occupation or position held

Research Assistant at the Department of Sociology, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.

Main activities and responsibilities

  • ÖNB-Jubiläumsfond-Project: "Cooperative Crime Prevention: Urban Planning, Police and Civil Society".
  • AGIS: "European Resource Directory for the Design of Secure Urban Environments" (coordinator: Salford University, UK).

Name and address of employer

Institute for Advanced Studies, Department for Sociology

Stumpergasse 56

1060 Vienna, Austria

Type of business or sector

Private non-profit research organisation




2 / 1998 – 6 / 2001

Occupation or position held

Project assistant in the Department of Traffic Psychology at the Austrian Road Safety Board (Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit KfV), Vienna, Austria

Main activities and responsibilities

  • "DAN - Description and Analysis of Post Licensing Measures for Novice Drivers".
  • "Indicators of Fatigue of Commercial Drivers and Possible Measures from a Psychological Point of View".
  • "ANDREA - Analysis of Driver Rehabilitation Programs in Europe"
  • "ADVANCED Driver Training"

  Assistance in other projects during the compulsory Civil Service

Name and address of employer

Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit (Austrian Road Safety Board)
Schleiergasse 18
A-1100 Vienna, Austria

Type of business or sector

Private non-profit organisation





Occupation or position held

Interviewer at INTEGRAL Markt- und Meinungsforschungsges.m.b.H

Main activities and responsibilities

  • Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI)
  • Quantitative face-to-face interviews

Name and address of employer

Integral Markt- und Meinungsforschung

Mohsgasse 2

1030 Vienna


Type of business or sector

Private marketing and opinion research company







Education and training





12 / 2003

Title of qualification awarded

Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Sociology at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Title of doctoral thesis: “Theorie und Praxis der Kriminalprävention in Wien”

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

  • Quantitative and qualitative methods in social science
  • Sociological theory
  • Criminology, crime prevention policies
  • Deviance and social control
  • others

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Vienna




9 / 2000 – 8 / 2002

Title of qualification awarded

Post graduate award in sociology at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna, Austria

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Advanced methods in quantitative and qualitative research: path analysis, regression analysis, factor analysis, content analysis, discourse analysis, policy network analysis etc.

Sociological theories: Critical discourse theory, risk society, second modernity, hermeneutics, etc.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Institute for Advanced Studies, Department of Sociology;

Post graduate education





Title of qualification awarded

Masters-Degree in Sociology at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Social Science and Economics.

Title of masters thesis (in English): “A Sociology of Community Crime Prevention”

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

Urban Sociology, traffic sociology, sociological theory, qualitative and quantitative methods, etc.

Study abroad: 2 semesters at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia:

  • Gender and urban geography
  • Crime and deviance
  • Social theory

The thesis-project was conducted and supervised at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

University of Vienna




1987 - 1991

Title of qualification awarded

1st section of the Study of Archicture at the Technical University of Vienna.

Equivalent to Masters Degree

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

  • Urban planning, housing design, human ecology
  • Architectural engineering
  • Architectural drawing, geometry, history of building design
  • Interior design
  • other

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Technical University of Vienna





Additional professional training



19. – 30. Oct. 2009

Title of qualification awarded

“Crime Prevention Design Advisor”

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

  • CPTED – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
  • Defensible Space, New Urbanism
  • Secured by Design Scheme in UK
  • The planning process
  • Lighting
  • Excursions

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA), Harrogate, UK

Level in national or international classification

Professional police training for all police constituencies in the UK




13. – 15. Oct. 2008

Title of qualification awarded

“Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Advisor (CPTED-Advisor, level 1)”

Principal subjects/occupational skills covered

  • CPTED in homes, car parks, office buildings, etc.
  • Defensible Space
  • excursions

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

International Security Management and Crime Prevention Institute, Calgary, Canada.

Level in national or international classification

International training, based in Brisbane (AU) and Calgary (CAN)



Academic Awards

European Marie Curie Fellowships:

  • Early Stage Training (EST) 2002/2003
  • Intra European Fellowship (IEF) 2008-2010
  • European Re-Integration Grant (ERG) 2011-2013




Other professional duties

Member of the Austrian Standards Institute

Austrian Delegate to the Technical Committee CEN/TC325 of the European Standardisation Institute (CEN - Comite Europeen de Normalisation) on “Crime Prevention through Building-, Facility- and Area Design”




  • ICA International CPTED Association
  • E-DOCA European Designing Out Crime Association
  • EFUS European Forum for Urban Safety
  • European Society of Criminology




Book chapters:

  • Günter Stummvoll: Die Morphologie der Sicherheitsgesellschaft: Architektonische Antworten in der Kriminologie. In: Seböck W. und Huber E. (Eds.): 9. Sicherheits-Konferenz Krems. Publisher: Eigenverlag der Donau Universität Krems. 2011.
  • Günter Stummvoll: Problemzonen der Stadt – Kriminalprävention und Sicherheitsmanagement als Planungsauftrag. In: Seböck W. und Huber E. (Eds.): Tagungsband der 8. Sicherheitskonferenz Krems. Publisher: Austrian Computer Society. 2010.
  • Günter Stummvoll, Isabella Hager, Ingrid Kromer: Austria. In: Junger-Tas J. et al.: Juvenile Delinquency in Europe and Beyond: Results of the Second International Self-Report Delinquency Study. Springer, 2010.
  • Karin Bruckmüller, Arno Pilgram and Günter Stummvoll: Juvenile Justice in Austria. In: Dünkel, F.; Grzywa, J., Horsfield, P. und Pruin, I. (Eds.): Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe – current situation, reform developments and good practices. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg; 2010.
  • Günter Stummvoll: Police Science – Social Science: What the Social Sciences Have to Offer to the Police in Europe. A Comment. In: Police Science Perspectives: Towards a European Approach. Edited by the CEPOL European Police College - Project Group on a European Approach to Police Science (F. del Barrio Romero, T. Bjorgo, H.G. Jaschke, C. Kwanten, R.I. Mawby, M. Pagon). Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, Prof.Dr Clemens Lorei, Frankfurt. 2009.
  • Gregor Bartl and Günter Stummvoll (Eds): Final Report to the EU-Project "DAN - Description and Analysis of Post-Licensing Measures for Novice Drivers". Austrian Road Safety Board, Eigenverlag, 2000.




Scientific articles (selection):


  • Günter Stummvoll: Stadtplanung und Design – Ein normatives Konzept zur Kriminalprävention. In: SIAK Journal. Zeitschrift für Polizeiwissenschaft und Polizeiliche Praxis. Ausgabe 4/2008. Austrian Ministry of the Interior (BM.I).
  • Günter Stummvoll: Ordnungskrise und Sicherheitspluralisierung – Kriminalpolitik in der Reflexiven Moderne. In: Vorgänge. Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte und Gesellschaftspolitik. Heft 178 (2/2007): Vom Rechtsstaat zur Sicherheitsgesellschaft.
  • Günter Stummvoll: Junkie-Jogging am Karlsplatz: Die Schutzzone und der Verrechtlichte Öffentliche Raum. In: Derive – Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung. Sonderheft Sicherheit – Ideologie und Ware. Heft 24, Juli-September 2006;
  • J. Fehervary, G. Hanak, V. Hofinger, G. Stummvoll (Hrsg): „Theory and Practice of Police Research in Europe“. CEPOL Series No. 1, European Police College. Bramshill/Vienna, 2006.
  • Günter Stummvoll: "Ideologie, Methodik und Forschungspraxis einer Geographischen Kriminalstrukturanalyse - Willkommen in Österreich!" in: ÖZS - Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Sonderheft 2/05, Thema: Die Zukunft des Gewaltmonopols.
  • Günter Stummvoll: "Design Against Crime in Vienna: A Feminist Approach", in: Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal, Leicester, 4/2004. Perpetuity Press.
  • Günter Stummvoll: "CPTED – Kriminalprävention durch Gestaltung des Öffentlichen Raumes"; in: Neue Kriminalpolitik. Ausgabe 4/2002; Nomos, Baden Baden.





Journal articles submitted for review:


  • In press: Günter Stummvoll: Changing Concepts of Security: The Preventive Turn in Defensive Design. In: Max Edelbacher, Peter C. Kratcoski, Michael Theil: New Security Concepts – Preventing Another Financial Crisis. The Academic Council on the United Nations System. Routledge Publications. 2012.
  • Submitted for review: Günter Stummvoll: Governance through Norms and Standards: The Normative Force behind Design-led Crime Prevention. In: Criminology and Criminal Justice (Special Issue: Negotiated Orders).
  • In preparation: Günter Stummvoll and Alexander Neumann: Sicherheitskonstruktionen im Stadtviertel: Erkenntnisse aus einer Bewohnerbefragung in Wien-Floridsdorf. SWS-Rundschau, Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengesellschaft.



Keynote-addresses and invited lectures




  • Invited speaker at the Annual General Meeting of Austrian Shopping Centre Association (3. May 2012, Graz)

Presentation: “Ordnung und Sicherheit in Einkaufszentren“

  • Invited speaker at the Annual Security Conference at Danube University (27. Oct. 2011, Krems)

Presentation: „Soziale Morphologie in der Sicherheitsgesellschaft“.

  • Invited speaker at the Annual Security Conference at Danube University (28. Oct. 2010, Krems)

Presentation: „Problemzonen der Stadt - Kriminalprävention und Sicherheitsmanagement als Planungsauftrag“.

  • Invited speaker at the “17. Symposium Sicherheit”, organised by S.OM Sparkassen Real Estate Management (Erste Bank) (13.-15. Oct. 2010, Vienna).

Presentation: „Sicherheitsmanagement im Sozialraum am Beispiel ‚Tatgelegenheitsstrukturen und Bankraub’“.

  • Invited speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Academic Council of the United Nations Systems (ACUNS): New Security Challenges (3.-5. June 2010, Vienna).

Presentation: “Changing Concepts: Security and the Built Environment”.

  • Invited speaker at the ”5th Forum Building Science” at the Department of Building and Environment, Danube University Krems (4. May 2010)

Presentation: "Kriminalpräventive Gestaltung und Organisation von Gebäuden, Anlagen und Infrastrukturen".

  • Invited guest-speaker at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds

Presentation: “Death and Life of a Great European Standard: Crime Prevention by Urban Planning and Design” (24. Nov. 2009)

  • Invitation as discussant at the final project workshop: Sicherheit und Integration im Sozialraum. University of Cologne (15.-16. Feb. 2009, Cologne)
  • Invited guest speaker at CEPS-seminar (Centre of Excellence for Policing and Society) at Griffith University Brisbane, Australia. (14. May 2009)

Paper presentation: “Urban Criminology: Crime Prevention and the Sociology of Urban Space”.

  • Invited guest speaker at the ICA Regional CPTED Forum in Ipswich, Australia. (12.-13. May 2009)

Presentation: “Governance of CPTED in Europe: Fragmentation or Standardisation?”

  • 5th CEPOL Conference on Police Science and Research, Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei Münster (12.-14. Sept. 2007; Münster, Germany).

Speech and Comment to Prof. G. Jaschke: "A European Approach to Police Science"

  • Key-note speaker at the Symposium: “Die Sichere Stadt als Interdisziplinäre Aufgabe”; Landespräventionsrat Niedersachsen. (13.-14. Dec. 2006; Lingen / Ems, Germany).

Keynote-Speech: „Schutz durch Gestaltung: Auf dem Weg zu einem Europäischen Standard Sicherer Stadtumwelten“

  • EU-Project Conference (AGIS): Crime Opportunity Profiling of Streets (COPS). (30. Sept. 2005, London).

Keynote-Speech: “Evaluation-Research for CPTED: Crime Analysis, Implementation, Outcome”

  • Assistant to the co-ordinator of the CEPOL European Police Science and Research Conference 2004. (9.–12. Nov. 2004; Prague, Czech Republic).

Chair and presentation of conclusions.

Regular paper presentations at annual conferences of the European Society of Criminology from 2006 – 2011 (Tübingen, Bologna, Edinburgh, Ljubljana, Liege, Vilnius)


Teaching experience


University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Austria. Masters Programme in Social Work:

  • 2006/07: Methodology Course (Forschungswerkstatt)  - “Social Area Analysis”
  • 2007/08: Seminar on Qualitative Methods
  • 2008 – 2009: Successful supervision of 3 Master-theses


Visiting lecturer at the Danube University Krems, Austria,

  • Oct. 2008: 1-day seminar in „Security Management in Urban Space“,
  • March 2010: 1-day seminar in „Security Management in Urban Space“


Lecturer at the Danube University Krems, Austria

  • Oct. 2011: 1-day seminar in „Security Management in Urban Space“,
  • Nov. 2011: 1-day seminar in “Daylight-Architecture”
  • Nov. 2011: 1-day seminar in “Future Building Solutions: Urban Sustainability”
  • Nov. 2011: 1-day seminar in “Information Security Management”


Lecturer at the Vienna University, Austria

  • Oct. 2011 – Jan. 2012: Semester-Seminar “Deviance and Social Control”
  • Oct. 2011 and March 2012: Guest speaker in lecture series: “Fields of Applied Sociology” (“Forschungs‑ und Anwendungsfelder der Soziologie“)




Personal skills and competences




Mother tongue(s)




Other language(s)

English, French






European level (*)




Spoken interaction

Spoken production







Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user


Proficient user






Basic user


Basic user


Basic user


Basic user


(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages



Social skills and competences

  • Team spirit and good ability to adapt to multicultural work environments, gained though work experience abroad (study abroad in Australia; fellowship in UK, conferences worldwide)
  • Good communication skills acquired through travelling (“backpacking”) Australia, SE-Asia, USA and Europe



Organisational skills and competences

  • Good project management skills, acquired during the EU-Fellowship at Keele University, where I managed scientific activities, conferences, work shops and the project budget of a 2-year European research project.
  • Organisational skills were acquired especially during the management of a European experts workshop (3-days) as part of the European CrimPrev-Network at Keele University (April 2009).
  • Several trainings were taken between 2008 and 2010 at the Centre for Professional Staff Development at Keele University, UK:
    • “Professional and Personal Development”
    • “Effective Management of Meetings”
    • Project Management Training: “Effective Researcher”
    • “Research Supervisor Training & Development” (online programme)
  • Good skills in group management and training, acquired through academic teaching (University for Applied Sciences, St. Pölten) and as a ski-instructor (Scheffau Ski-School, Tirol)



Computer skills and competences

good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™);

good knowledge of SPSS statistics through application in research projects

good knowledge of NVivo – Qualitative data analysis through application in research projects



Competences in Sports

Ski instructor

Training at the Austrian University Sports Institute (1990-1993)

Practice and regular training at ski-school Scheffau / Tirol, Austria (1990 – 2001)

Continuing training in off-piste skiing, including alpine risk assessment at the Austrian University Sports Institute (since 2002)

Road-bike marathons

Driving licence

Category A (motor cycles) and Category B (cars)

Experience in left-side driving in UK and Australia



